Product Details—Neutralize Dangerous Formaldehyde Spills:
- Treated Soaker Fabric—Absorbs, contains, and neutralizes formalin spills and waste; and chemically neutralizes the formaldehyde.
- Workplace Safety—Provides simple means for formalin spill containment and disposal
- Neutralize—Chemically neutralizes both formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde
- Hydroscopic Design—Helps absorb harmful vapors from the air (white wipe)
Manage Risk and Comply with OSHA Standards:
- Reduces Exposure—Exposure to formaldehyde; formaldehyde is a toxin and carcinogen
- Minimize Contact With Spill And Vapors—Which can cause skin, eye, and respiratory irritation
Eco-Friendly—Minimizing Chemicals of Concern and Waste:
- PVC-free and latex-free
- Safe for incineration